All about Winston Wilbur

Hi everypuggy,

I am Winston Wilbur.

I am 11 years old.

I have lived my entire life in Vancouver, Canada

In March 2012 I developed a neurological medical condition that eventually left me unable to use my hind legs. I can stand and sit but I am unable to walks. The signal from my brain to my legs and back does not work anymore.

Me in my walking wheels
Over time I learned to adapt to my medical condition.

I did have a set of walking wheels but my condition has left me unable to carry on using them.

I am now the proud owner of a Dogger Stroller from

With the use of my Dogger stroller, I continue to enjoy my life to the fullest.

Just because your legs don't works... doesn't mean life comes to a halt!

I have recently started Hydrotherapy here in Vancouver at

I welcome you to my world...

I welcome you to my blog of my day to day commentaries.


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